AI Content FTW?

What happens when AI writes a daily newsletter for 6 months...

I came across this youtube video:

I’m not familiar with Adam’s content or his channel, but this seemed interesting…

So he says that he posted roughly 180 articles over the course of 6 months using AI, and that the impetus of this idea came from algorithm updates that caused his traffic to dwindle. Oh, if I had a nickel for every youtuber placing the onus on the alg. Haha.

All the posts written by AI were about writing Instagram bios, captions, usernames, and names for business ideas - honestly seems like stuff people should really just be querying for themselves but such is life. But here’s the kicker: his google analytics show a 450% increase since sending these generic AI-composed articles!

Adam says; “The way to win with a content strategy is to use AI to go deep on a specific sub-niche”. Honestly I think that’s good advice, especially if you’re using AI to ideate & outline content rather than just copy paste without any human element to the writing (Adam specifies that he is in fact editing the content himself and that there’s a fine line in the ethics of using AI).

The only thing I am skeptical of is, how long until the reach of AI-generated content is reduced by the algorithms in favor of real human-written content?

How Content Makes Money:
It’s by helping people. Content must provide value to realize a financial return on said content.

Adam makes a great point about how writers who use AI should be able to relay their own personal experiences in the niche AI is writing about.

How AI Makes Affiliate Revenue:
It’s by telling AI which companies or products to include in your article.

The Format for Affiliate Articles:
Adam breaks down his format as follows:



INTRO (3-4 paragraphs)

HEADING #2 (a question with target keyword. Ex: What is the best gaming console?)

HEADING #3 (list items. Ex: Xbox, Playstation, etc.)

CTA BUTTON (affiliate links)

He also mentions using banner ads to monetize these types of articles. Could even hyperlink affiliate products and use a timed popup with a lead magnet. (He actually says to trigger the popup on exit intent but I would argue if someone is trying to leave the website you’ve already missed out on the intent. So, I’d probably opt for triggering the popup after a minute and then maybe a secondary trigger that shows after the average read time of that article).

Win at content by going deep on a topic:
While companies like Forbes & Reddit can write generic content thanks to the size of their audiences, content from regular people must go deeper and provide more valuable to have a chance at competing with the likes of the aforementioned media giants.

For example, Forbes could easily create a viral article about “the best laptops”. It simply isn’t worth their time to go deeper and spend more time & resources on research and writing content that provides deeper value.

Here lay the opportunity for people who are proficient within a given topic or niche. So use AI tools to go deeper. Deeper ideas, deeper insights, more value on whatever it is you’re writing about. It’s just not enough for small content sites to try to compete with the biggest corporations on surface level keywords.

Ok, so that’s what I learned from this video. I think he made some good points about leveraging AI without over-relying on it or neglecting the human element.

At the end of the day it’s about using tools that can fast-track the outline & ideation of content so that creators can spend more time injecting their own personal experiences into trending content topics in order to provide more valuable, be more relatable, and maintain the human element of quality writing.